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Uploaded: Sep 21, 2011
Credits:Jared Fullerton (Photographer)


August 14, 2013 11:21pm
That's a handsome, casual shot of you.


September 21, 2011 6:48pm
Yo! So you know what's really cool about this picture? We've got this nice little helping of blue and white. Everything is going perfectly well together but this picture all has what's called a "pop of color". That's what the fashion people call it so it's that from an ARTISTS point of view. We have your assortments of blue, like the back wall and your jeans. Then we have your monotones like the shoes and chips in the wall and the bright white shirt. Then we have that "pop of color" your awesome skin tone. Surely I've seen it before but never really quite put my finger on how to mix that color with paints or colored pencils. I'm thinking some yellow, and white, a tiny bit of red and what makes it mach with everything here is that there's just the right amount of blue mixed in the skin tone. Just need to figure it out. I hope to get there though. There's also your orange shoe laces though but who the hell is gonna pay attention to those? "dugh...I was just happening by your port and I wanted to let you know that I LOVE your shoe laces" no no. People don't even get compliments like that if the model was modeling SHOES. Humans rule, and you sir are no exception. Well done man. Respect!