
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Nov 04, 2018
Some Experience
Depends on Assignment
May 06, 2015

About Me

3rd Shift Art.

Photography is a relatively new skill for me, I started learning to use the camera when I found that I needed to be able to display 3D art on the web. This required me to start thinking of how to capture the depth that a sculpture has.
I developed an interest in using the camera to make art in correlation with learning the mechanics of making a good image. As I continue in this field I wish to capture images that will evoke a "lizard brain" response. Quality of light, shapes and colors send information to our subconscious and set the matrix in our heads for how we perceive the information that our conscious brain is making judgements about.

I am seeking models, photographers and editors to collaborate with for shoots, or just general idea/theory on making better art.

My equipment and time are limited but I can usually find a workaround.
All that being said, I am for hire for most kinds of work, the weirder the better. I am not interested in weddings or sports,

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