
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Nov 26, 2023
Very Experienced
Depends on Assignment
Mar 25, 2008

Lists (27)

Tan Lines as image elements

14 Photos

Bendy into tight spaces

14 Photos

Images from our Workshops/Events

80 Photos

you've got to know where your towel is

0 Photos

Form, Light, Shadow, Contour.

23 Photos

Nude Fashion

14 Photos


0 Photos


31 Photos

Portraits - Plus!

89 Photos

Portraits - Classic to Contemporary

101 Photos


230 Photos


82 Photos

Shape, Form, Curve, Line, Shadow

137 Photos

Freaky, Disturbing, or just Weird

88 Photos

Over the edge

77 Photos


93 Photos

Out in the Open

92 Photos

Rude/Nude Food

170 Photos

Body Play

192 Photos

Seriously Suffering for ART

55 Photos

On the Edge

25 Photos

People and Ports to Keep Watching

5 Photos

Just worth having been seen

32 Photos

Ink with Attitude

217 Photos

BodyartBabes's Images, Other Portfolios

10 Photos

Pictures with Pugs

2 Photos

BodyartBabes's list of killer concepts

7 Photos
See Less

About Me

Profile being updated. 2/17/14

MODELS: You ask that we read your profile fully.  I ask the same thing.  It will be obvious if you have not read it.

We shoot on Wednesdays and Sundays, sometimes Thursdays.  If you want to shoot, look at a calendar, check and see if you want to get involved.  We DO NOT KEEP CONTACTING YOU!!!  It's up to YOU to show us you want to make pictures. 

We've moved out of Squirrel Hill and to a new building in New Kensington.
Easy to get to, and a *LOT* more room.
We have a lot more space for props, and shooting in both strobe and natural light.

PREGNANCY WORKSHOPS:  Are you pregnant? Do you want a LOT of photos for your memory book, and maybe some cash?  Talk with us ASAP to schedule repeating monthly workshops to capture that moment.  Why spend hundreds on ONE photographer, when you can get paid by many?
Pregnancy goes fast.  It's a beautiful time, and no two are ever the same.

MODELS!  We will contact you ONCE.  If you do not reply to us, join our list, or otherwise show you are interested in working with us, WE WILL NOT CONTACT YOU AGAIN!!  When you post a casting, we check our records, if you did not respond to us in the past, we ignore you.  Simple.  You want to work with us, let us know.  We DO NOT CHASE YOU.    If you find yourself blocked, check your old messages.  We don't have time for games.  Just fun!  Some people constantly post castings for photographers, but NEVER respond, or ever show up.  We are tired of that.
We shoot on Wednesdays and Sundays, sometimes Thursdays.  If you want to shoot, look at a calendar, check and see if you want to get involved.  We DO NOT KEEP CONTACTING YOU!!!  It's up to YOU to show us you want to make pictures. 

OLD NOTE: I ran out of slots for images a year ago, but MM Just increased the portfolio slots, so it will be awhile before new work is online.   
This portfolio is just getting old, and is about 8 months out of date.  I'm also not updating my DeviantArt site much either, as I have no real desire to be there.  Most images are just given to the models, or to the clients, and I move on to the next project.  One day, maybe, I'll catch up.  But for me, it's about shooting, taking pictures, not editing/posting/etc them.  I'd rather keep shooting.  If *you* want to shoot, get pictures, make pictures, create something, etc, look at what I have here, what is in my castings, and figure I'm still doing that, or similar.  If interested, send a PM -- not a tag, or comment. 


Pittsburgh area models:  Add my twitter address to be notified
of short-notice photo ops, last minute openings, etc.  There is
a lot going on if you are free on short notice -- 1 day to 3-4
hours notice.  Longer notice items are also tweeted, but are
posted in regular places too.


All my castings expired 12/21/12.  Oddly that coincided with us losing our lease.  We have a new location and will be posting the casting schedule again soon.

Most of the recent castings are OPEN ENDED!  Ignore the start date, please read the descriptions.

The rest is long, please _READ_ it, and it will answer most of
your questions, point you to other portfolios, and prevent a lot
of avoidable grief.

We run the Pittsburgh Model and Photographer Meetup Group   Joining there, and getting on our update list is the best way to find out what we are doing, and how to work with us.

I'm always seeking [heavily] modified new female models, female/female couples, and a limited number of male/female couples for erotic, graphic, edgy, body-play, limit-pushing images. No porno/explicit imagery.


MODELS:  Unlimited TFP opportunities if you are available, willing, give 110%, are dependable, and can work on short notice.  We might even be available for your ideas -- We do trade sets.


Block List:  If you find yourself on our "block" list, it's so that we don't accidentally contact you if you change your screen name, or images, and some time passes by.  If we've decided we can't work with you for any reason (a number of them are listed at the end of the profile) we will "block" you, and save the threads/profile to remind us why.  It may not mean we don't like you, or don't want to talk with you, but it is the *only* way MM provides to make sure we don't accidentally contact you for work at a later date.  If we try to answer a casting, and find you blocked, we check our files and remind ourselves why. 


NOTE: All paid work (eg: when someone else is paying for the shoot, or buying the images) goes to people we've worked with before, who have worked with us on our TF* projects, and who have made themselves generally available for the "art" aspect of our work.  Pretty much no exceptions. 

So if you don't do TF*, we probably won't ever work together.


SPECIAL RATES:  We don't charge models!  Some times we even pay them. All art is TFP (negotiable: edited images, unedited images, trade for your ideas, etc).  MUA's you *WILL* get images useful for your portfolio!  Models, your images will be targeted to your portfolios as well. Some shoots you can even go home with images (ain't technology wonderful!). 


Models *DO*NOT* _pay_ photographers!


UPDATE: 3/25/12 (Towel Day).
I shoot nudes, and because of that I much prefer to work with models who also do nudes.  What that means is that if you are not of the sort who has no problem leaving your clothes in one place while you are in another, we probably won't work together.
I'm not going to try to trick you, coerce you, or try to get you a little bit naked, then a little bit more... that's no fun.

If you notice, the people in my port are having FUN and don't have pained, uncomfortable expressions or poses.  I don't do "implied", lingerie, open jeans, bikini, etc.  I'm not out to see how much skin I can get you to show off.  If you don't
flaunt it, I'm not going to try to expose it (pardon the pun).

If you are not comfortable, we won't shoot it. If you *think* you want to do nudes, then change your mind, even after you get naked, I'm not going to push you.  The photos will suck.  There's no fun in taking bad photos just to get a girl naked.
Believe me, I've seen a *LOT* of naked girls, and you probably don't have anything I haven't seen before, shot before, and maybe even was in a relationship with before.  (But, if you think you do, I'd *REALLY* like to see, and maybe shoot you wink

Also, while I like working with people more than once, over years, I don't shoot
the "same" model in the "same" pose with the "same" props  over and over.  Every model is different, and the best photos for that model will also be different.  So, I try to find the photos/images that work best for your look, attitude, and style,
and not make you do what *I* have a "fetish" or "Kink" for. If you notice, I've used models of all shapes and sizes.  The only thing they had in common is they wanted to have fun, make good images, and usually had a good sense of humor smile

So, that's the "update" and summary of what is below.  Please read the rest for the "details" which should answer most of your questions.  I'm too old to change, and I'm not looking for problems, drama, or stress.  I'll do my best to screen
that out before you ever show up!  No games.  What you see is what you get, and I expect the same with you -- literally!


What we do:
For almost 30 years I've tested limits, pushed boundaries, and generally have been a bad boy. For the most part, people like my work.

Over the years it has changed from mostly classic pin-up to more alt/erotic - but one thing has stayed the same. My subjects are treated with class, respect and often find out things about themselves they had never suspected. There is a comfort level that goes beyond just not feeling threatened, to actually desiring to be a part of the art and a contributor to something larger than an simple image.

While the pretty-girl stuff still pays the bills, my own vision has moved forward into what I would tag as extreme body-play. The body becomes the art, and is manipulated within its environment into something that is both more and less than its simple form.

Each model and photo shoot is a separate entity and experience. I always like moving forward, not looking back, which is what an on-line gallery or portfolio is -- a look back at what was done, not what is coming next.

Most of my art images ended up as prints for the private collector market. My pretty girl images have been widely distributed under a variety of labels and logos.

Digital is changing how I see the world, and how much work I am able to do. With the lower cost of making images, there is far more opportunity to shoot, and select out what is good. With film, you had to plan, and be careful about what you shot. Materials cost money, and you didn't know what you had until it was developed. Digital provides instant feedback, and both model and photographer can see the progress, success or failures during the shoot, and use that feedback to work more directly to the creation of the image(s) desired.

Arranging Shoots:
I am almost always up for a shoot on short notice. If an interesting idea or situation presents itself, I'm there. I want to have a pool of models who are available for different sorts of shoots at different times, but who all are intently focused on making art. If I have an idea, I want to have people around I can call on to try it out. If you have an idea, or something presents itself all of a sudden, I want to make myself available to you for that as well. I believe models and photographers are collaborators in the finished piece. Each provides a different piece to the artistic puzzle. Without both, there is no art or image.

Creative Vision:
Over the years, the best and strongest images have been shot spontaneously on location outdoors or in the models home environment where she is most comfortable, not in the studio with huge amounts of preparation. Most have started out as personal portraits that became something far more. Most of my models have been new models, first timers, and people who never considered modeling or who have even been afraid of the camera. When I say most, I mean 90% or more. Not 51%. Real people create real images, and that is how I see the world, and that is the look and feeling I like in my art.

I like contrasts. Hard/soft. Dark/Light. Smooth/Rough. Flesh/Steel or stone. Curved/Straight. Etc.

While I have a demand for niche/fetish models, the type of model I'm most interested in building a rapport with is the heavily modified (pierced, tattooed, altered) female interested in pushing her body image to its fullest. I am interested in a long-term relationship and regular shoots over a period of years or decades, not one or two random sessions. I'm interested in following people on their body-mod journey. I am looking for pregnant models, or models planning on getting pregnant to follow the body changes before, during and after (breasts, hands, feet, skin, etc).

A healthy body image (or a desire to foster one) is important. My images are nudes -- even when clothed, they are nudes. I peel away the layers, and get to the skin. Getting naked is a part of creating art, regardless of what "shows" in the final image. Otherwise, as a photographer you are shooting "fashion" (someone else's "art" of clothing design), and as a model you are covering yourself with someone else's ideas and visions. My images are about you, me and the environment when a part of the image. Simple. Things are added only as needed for the message.

I don't take payments from models. (You are not a model at that point but a client, and I have to see YOUR vision, not mine). I often pay models a little. I almost always cover expenses. If we have a good relationship and shoot often, there can often be a fairly nice revenue stream and I'm available for your ideas as often as you are for mine. My primary goal is to create art by making stunning and unforgettable images. If you do that well, money follows for BOTH of us.

I like to set up a test shoot before committing to more advanced work. This lets us know if we can get along, how you look on film, and more importantly - how you look on MY film smile We'll meet, eat and if it goes well, do some shooting.  All first shoots are TF*, no exceptions.  All paid work goes to models who work with us TF* on the art projects. 

As I said, I don't take payments from models, but I do take commission work for private/personal portraits. You pay for my time, experience and whatever prints or other end product you want. The images stay between us, and are not for public display.

Website/On-line work
I will consider website work, though the project has to be really, really interesting. I mean REALLY interesting. Otherwise, you probably can't afford me. To release my work on-line, in an uncontrolled fashion is quite an expensive proposition. That means unless you are a heavily modded female into extreme body play, play piercings, suspension, or something equally edgy, the odds of me agreeing to shoot for website use are very, very small. Like ant nut sized small.



Please make sure you read this whole profile, especially the following points:

Your portfolio *should* be your best statement, but make sure your profile doesn't kill it.  After reading a bunch of profiles, I guess I need to save us all a lot of time:

1) Nudes: I do nudes.  If you don't, we probably won't work together.  I prefer models who are comfortable nude, even for clothed shoots.  Please, no one under 18, preferably 21 or older.
2) Truthfulness: If you have nudes in your portfolio but your profile says you don't do nudes [any longer] we will *NOT* work together, _ever_. --- that's a period. Get rid of them; don't try to jack up page views.
3) TFP: If your profile, or contact letter, states you do not do nudes TFP, we will never work together either.  This is a pet peeve of mine, I/we don't pay people to get naked.  You do TFP or you don't; you get naked or you don't.  Simple.
4) "Implied nudes" grates on me.  If you are nude (eg: not really wearing clothing) in the photo (regardless of what is showing) you do nudes, it's a nude, pretty simple.  "Nude-but-not-nude" was the term before digital and GWC's trying to get everyone naked.  It's much more accurate.  Use it.
5) Grammar: If you can't write full sentences, use correct spelling or something that approaches it and correct grammar -- don't bother.  First impressions are really important.
6) Escorts: If you need an escort, we don't need you.  It's that simple.  Your escort is just a "gawker" to everyone else.  So, if your profile states "I bring an escort..." please don't bother contacting us.  Search the forums for "escorts" if you need 1,000,001 reasons why not.


Friends list is short, because they are people I know, have worked with, have tried to work with (but haven't yet) or similar.  It's not a popularity showcase of a lot of people I have no idea who they are.  It's quality, not quantity.  Want on the list?  Work with me.



Verified Credits (1)

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Credit Notes

Where credit is due!  And, that is usually in the bank, so I'll leave this blank ;)