
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Jul 16, 2024
Very Experienced
Depends on Assignment
May 19, 2015

Lists (1)

My Work on MM

12 Photos
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About Me

Latest Update 09July24
I dont get on here very often but I do reply to all emails from models.
Logan is a pseudonym. My real name is Kenny. You can call me either cause I dont care :p
We interrupt this program to bring you a special bulletin!


I have no use for an outsourced Retoucher! I have my own visions in my head and I know how to get them without the use of Photoshop. Also, if I had to explain to someone else what I was looking for in order to get an image, then I dont need to be wielding a camera to begin with
Thank you
We now return you back to your regularly scheduled programming
I have been shooting in DFW for over 18 years now. I primarily shoot art, lifestyle and glamour which does include nude work. Location (mostly Joe Pool Lake and S Grand Prairie areas) only. I've stepped out of the studio for period

I have helped MANY young models get their feet wet modeling. Many still do while others have gone on to other things. I have also gotten over 30 models published. Many of those for the first time. At this time, I'm not really looking to get published in anymore "online mags". They dont really mean that much to me

I can help you with your posing, your angles, understanding lighting, your expressions and some great images.

Website is your best source of information and I do advise you read through it. That is also where you will submit your info for your initial booking. I will not waiver from this.

My gallery is full of images of my shoots with my Muse and more importantly, my Friend... Liz. Since the Rona hit, she's one of the few who has kept coming to see me.

I primarily shoot TFP. Rates are more than reasonable for those who are unable to shoot my casting calls (see website). Yes I do post on Patreon and Bentbox. Models have very liberal usage rights so if you want to do the same, I dont care :)

Thank you for stopping by! :)

Credit Notes

Look at my Lists~ My work on MM to see more of my images here. Want a complete list? Just ask! :)