
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Jun 19, 2024
Some Experience
Depends on Assignment
Apr 10, 2009

Lists (85)

johnnyfluff's Alluring/look 1

1613 Photos

johnnyfluff's alluring/look2

1497 Photos

johnnyfluff's alluring pose3

1475 Photos

johnnyfluffs alluring pose 4

722 Photos

johnnyfluff's beauiful Buns 3

896 Photos

Johnnyfluffs Beautiful Buns 1

609 Photos

Johnnyfluffs Beautiful Buns 2

585 Photos

Johnnyfluffs Beautiful Buns 3

759 Photos

Johnnyfluffs Beautiful Buns 4

364 Photos

Johnnyfluffs Beautiful Buns 5

363 Photos

Johnnyfluffs Beautiful Buns 6

346 Photos

Johnnyfluffs Beautiful Buns 7

349 Photos

Johnnyfluffs Beautiful Buns over 40

84 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Beautiful B/W

1093 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Beautiful B/W2

1034 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Beautiful B/W3

1063 Photos

johnnyfluff's Beautiful Curves

1205 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Beautiful Curves 2

1220 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Beautiful Curves 3

1220 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Beautiful Curves4

978 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Beautiful Curves5

962 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Beautiful Curves 6

956 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Beautiful Curves 7

1026 Photos

johnnyfluff's Beautiful Legs

552 Photos

johnnyfluff's Beautiful Legs 2

542 Photos

Johnnyfluff's beautiful legs 3

643 Photos

Johnnyfluff's beautiful legs4

514 Photos

johnnyfluff's Beautiful Legs 5

460 Photos

johnnyfluff's Beautiful Legs 6

523 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Beautiful Legs 7

576 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Beautiful Legs 8

390 Photos

johnnyfluff's Beauty and Dirty 3

536 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Beauty and Dirty too

560 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Beauty and Dirty too2

547 Photos

johnnyfluff's Beauty Erotica style

537 Photos

johnnyfluff's Beauty Erotica style 2

532 Photos

johnnyfluff's Beauty Erotica style 3

544 Photos

johnnyfluff's Bound up!

451 Photos

johnnyfluff's chained Heat

204 Photos

johnnyfluff's eye catching photo

1200 Photos

johnnyfluff's eye catching photo 2

1225 Photos

johnnyfluff's eye catching photo3

1177 Photos

Johnnyfluff's eye catching photo4

1088 Photos

johnnyfluff's eyes

1402 Photos

johnnyfluff's eyes2

1423 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Eyes 3

1403 Photos

johnnyfluff's Goddesess

923 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Goddesses 2

860 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Goddesses 3

904 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Goddesses 4

950 Photos

johnnyfluff's list of killer photos

1459 Photos

johnnyfluff's list of killer photos2

1424 Photos

Johnnyfluff's list of killer photos 3

1490 Photos

johnnyfluff's loaded weapons

71 Photos

johnnyfluff's Mature Ladies

631 Photos

johnnyfluff's Mature Ladies 2

524 Photos

johnnyfluff's Mirror 1

261 Photos

johnnyfluff's mirrored 2

246 Photos

Johnnyfluff's mirrored 3

257 Photos

johnnyfluff's painted beauties

223 Photos

johnnyfluff's Redheads

305 Photos

johnnyfluff's reflective in Water

535 Photos

johnnyfluff's reflective in Water 2

528 Photos

Johnnyfluff's ripped/loose fitting

982 Photos

johnnyfluff's Silhouettes

1513 Photos

johnnyfluff's Silhouettes 2

1532 Photos

Johnnyfluff's smiles/ looks

770 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Smiles/looks2

735 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Smiles/looks3

677 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Smiles/Looks 4

247 Photos

Johnnyfluffs smoking hot 1

895 Photos

Johnnyfluff's stunning 20ish

278 Photos

johnnyfluff's stunning 30ish

212 Photos

johnnyfluff's stunning 40ish

311 Photos

johnnyfluff's stunning50ish

91 Photos

johnnyfluff's Tan Lines

833 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Tatoo 1

579 Photos

johnnyfluff's Two of a KIND

105 Photos

Johnnyfluff's Unique Photos

325 Photos

johnnyfluff's well placed hands

779 Photos

johnnyfluff's well placed hands2

745 Photos

Johnnyfluff's well placed hands3

772 Photos

Johnnyfluff's wrapped/ not tied

244 Photos

johnny's thighs reviewed

1004 Photos

johnny thighs reviewed 2

985 Photos
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About Me

My jobs in life have been helping people. Sometimes that is behind the camera or moving them and somewhere in between. I am an amateur photographer with a great eye!  I have shot in several countries and done some video work too. I am easy going but like to work on a schedule too. Thanks for stopping by and saying hi too!

."Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."
Albert Einstein

"To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything."
Albert Einstein

You cant quote Albert Einstein w/o thinking of how he appeared to us.
So here is Robin Williams quote,
"Creation is the greatest drug. When you create something, you get this little endorphin buzz. Why do you think Einstein looked like that?

Isn't what we all do or work at using our minds, images created in our mind's eye first?

" Opinions are ones thoughts based on an idea,.. verses the facts which are what we believe we saw,.. says, an eye witness! "  JKJ

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." 
Marcus Aurelius quote

"The universe is in change, life is an opinion."
Marcus Aurelius

"A photograph is organic. Its a heartbeat. Actually it's three... Photographer, model, and the person consuming the image. When all three beat in harmony the end result is art."

It is a good thing I am not old yet, at least in my own mind. LOL. I feel like the Bionic Man when i look at my chest.  The bump/lump in my breast muscle where the pacemaker/defib was installed! lol I hope it works but is not used used! 

Adding a little more humor too. In the streets that surround me. Any direction I walk, the terrain is up hill and down, up and down again. Which reminds me that old joke parents tell their kids. 'Well son back in my day we use to walk to school in the rain and snow there weren't no bus. and it was 2 miles. Up hill both ways. Which brought a response from the kid,....... "Were the dinosaurs alive then?"

So I am laying low hoping to shoot some photos soon! I enjoy viewing the work other do, like you!(the person reading this, with a twist!) I like to be creative with my words to tell you how impressed I am with others works of art! Here's an example what I mean of my comments to your pics! lol

After visiting many of your ports I see the need to update my port. I know it is good to keep the photos that have worked well. But staying current, being creative, helps you enjoy your efforts even more. LOL

This is an example of the humor I want to post to your work. As well as listing your creative, talented, witty, stunning photos!!!!!  Your dressed in black,..with no hat!... like this drawing, back,..drop too! with the cat,... next to you!!!!(3/5/12) I enjoy sharing words about your work I view!

I have traveled to six different countries thru the years and been the group photographer on these tours. I enjoy taking photos caught naturally or off guard.

I can do your wedding, a family event or do photos for a special night out on the town. I am open to shooting most anything.  Have camera will travel!!!

I have a camera everywhere I go. I would like to photograph new venues. What new photos do you want taken? Drop me a email. 

There is nothing new under the sun,.... so I copied an old thought....."Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny."
Let me put it another way, life is not about luck, or creating it, Life is celebrated by the choices we make... good choices to you!

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Credit Notes

I borrowed these quotes from my friend Giselle,        GGU Mayhem #33226

"Love unlocks doors and opens windows that weren't even there before"
Mignon Mclaughlin

"One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is LOVE."

The best photo I have taken was in Brazil. The Rain Forest to the right the boat running gliding along the Amazon River and the storm clouds rolling in from the North. The bright sun rising directly between the two weather systems for a gorgeous photo.

Currently,I am shooting models for an internet gig. Would you like yours taken? Are you an amateur or professional? Would you like to increase your portfolio.  Send me a request!