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Uploaded: Aug 27, 2011


August 29, 2011 5:36pm
FINALLY! MORE ACTION WORK! These colors rule! All those industrial colors. I can hear it now. The scene is this, YOur right in front of the camera. and the music froom the "Matrix" starts playing. Not the one with the base guitar but the one that sounds like techno. Anyway, you're gonna run down to the end of that parking garage (which by it's self is full of action) kick someones ass, steal their car, and you save the day! B) *crowd Cheers*
Now lets speak on terms of natural features. Afterall, this is YOUR portfolio. I just wanna say that your skin tone is awesome. It's like you can take a light tan and make it lighter and lighter and lighter. THrow in some red, Pow! A little yellow, bam! Then you get that amazing skin color. OH! and you know what else rocks? THe way your hair flows from your skap. It's kinda bushy looking. Kinda like a black dandelion. Awesome shape to the nose too! Awesome shot all together. Respect!