
Profile > portfolio > LarryLee's Photos Report this image
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Uploaded: Nov 21, 2015

John Laughlin

June 27, 2018 6:48pm
Great movement in this image...imagine if this photo of you were shot in an urban setting. An urban setting would have been my choice. You are without a doubt photogenic, your height is perfect, your skin clear and unmarked, and your lips are full enough to make your overall appearance very editorial. When you choose the wrong setting you are forcing any interested publishers, imagine you removed from that wrong setting and in the right setting... you’ll be lucky if they will actually take a moment to do that. A publisher looks for certainty, and your images must cover all bases in order for the certainty. If a publisher needs a certain type, a certain nationality, a certain can bet your life he/she is flipping fast through webpages, agency clients, and sites like MM...and it’s a given they are on a time restriction.....all that said every single image of yourself must be all of you front and center in casual wear, evening wear, business attire, the whole gamet. **The advice i give you is advise meant for an aspiring model ....that said..not all the models I have here in my profile are necessarily seeking careers in modeling most are friends who want photos of themselves for their own personal use so when i can i do a shoot with them.