Shawn Gibson

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Uploaded: May 01, 2016

Shawn Gibson

May 04, 2016 5:02pm
I should tell you the story behind this photo. I had been in the darkroom for 36 hours at Hart House, developing film and making prints. I was very tired, but after such a long session in the darkroom, I wanted to wind-down, so I walked south and ended up at this underground bar called "Einsteins". So after ordering a beer, I pulled my prints out to look, and the entire bag of prints fell all over the place. I was very embarrassed, with all of these images splayed on the ground for everyone to look at. Some were nude, very embarrassing.

This girl (in the photo) moved from her seat at the bar and helped me pick up all the prints. We started talking, for a few hours.

She was very mysterious, and could not answer a question straight on for the life of her. She said she lived at Spadina and College.

We left the bar and went for coffee. Then we ended up at Sid Smith and she asked me into the bathroom (I forget if it was the boys or girls) and she said 'photograph me'. I had my Rollei at the time.

I had about 3 rolls of film and photographed her, mostly in a stall in the washroom at Sid Smith.

Then we went to the B&B at St. George and Bloor. We ate, and talked. She confided in me that she was only 17 and lived with her father in a hotel room above the El Macombo. And that she was trying to run away from him because he was abusing her.

I was very taken back by that, and wanted to help her. But my thoughts were lost so I excused myself to the bathroom saying I had to go pee.

When I came back, she was gone.

I will never forget her, whoever she was.


Shawn Gibson

May 01, 2016 1:00pm
Thanks Jeffrey.

I've always wanted to have a large format camera with tilt-shift movements.

And I've always been a huge fan of Paolo Roversi.

I think, maybe, if I am 'doing something right', it's by staying true to my original influences and desires.

The way I see has changed very little over the last couple of decades.

Who knows...


Jeffrey M Fletcher

May 01, 2016 12:48pm
Whatever you're doing with these, it's better than usual choices with the processing.