
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Aug 14, 2020
Oct 06, 2005

Lists (3)


144 Photos

Models T.H. has been LUCKY enough to work with!!

3 Photos

More shot's that I took and luv...

5 Photos
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About Me

For any site related issues, please do not contact me directly, use the CAM feature and, your request will be handled in the order it is received (DO NOT make me give you a fresh one!).

Slowly and insidiously... I will TAKE THIS SITE OVER!!!!  JOIN ME and be my minions or, acolytes or... Henchmen(Or those red shirt guys on Star trek... "Ensign Kowalski?).

News flash!!!!!

"I don't think you have what it takes to be a S.S. STAR....!
But we can sure try!!! (it's an inside stupid joke you guys...!)  wink

And now:  for something completely different..

I am STILL totally addicted to Planters Dry roasted Cashews!!!
I need help man... I need help!

Update:  I thought I had this cashew thing beat...  Been trying to substitute cheap, generic cheesy corn curls...  Why won't they work for me?  Dry roasted cashews:  Curse your damned deliciousness!!!!


Name:  T.H.Taylor
Class:  Photographer/ illusionist/ fighter
Level: 28th
Hit points: 206
Strength:  17 (+1 on shoots, +2 on editing)
Intelligence:  18
Wisdom:  9
Dexterity:  16
Constitution:  13
Charisma:  20 (+3 on all charm attacks)

Special attributes:  Has fun on all shoots and FORCES all models to have fun as well (+3 charm spell).  Shoots at an incredibly high rate of success and keeps the models coming back for more.  Loves what he does so he is EXTRA dangerous when inspired (triple damage on all cool arty shoots).
Weakness:  Jack Daniel's (automatic double damage to him), Cartoons (loses 1 point of intelligence/half hour), models with great legs (if around too long, He loses one experience level per photo shoot).  Old school Punk (will mosh himself to death if left alone because he's too bloody old to still do it) Will stop EVERYTHING for Planters Dry roasted Cashews leaving him very vulnerable to mental attacks (He is only able to say:  "go away!  I'm eating my peanuts!")... Is a closet geek (well, not so closet anymore!).

What can I say about myself...  I'm a musician first, photographer second, make-up artist third, stylist (a sad one at that) fourth, amateur cook, fifth and most importantly, Rose Taylor's favorite son (I don't need anything more than the love of my mommy!)
Anyway, I gotta tell you, photography has been a blast. It's taken me across this great nation many times, to Europe and the U.K for extended  periods, and... It continues to be interesting as well as changing with each passing moment (Still trying to master this "digital thang.").  Models:  I'm so easy going and (even after 12 years of doing this) treat each shoot like it's my first.
Bad news,

No TFP for commercial stuff... Only for figgy stuff or things for my shower/Eurotrash series... Sorry!

Also understand that I DO NOT turn over a disc of raws nor do I sign any release forms unless I am a hired gun!!!     
Now, for the REALLY bad news:  No offense but I do not pay models to test.  Sorry and please do not approach me if that is your only interest... I want to work with artist, not capitalist!

Oakaly doakaly, that's it about me. Through all of the doofuses, GWC's and wannabes... I have had a WONDERFUL experience on this site!!!  It's been a thrill to actually meet other folks that are actively interested in a field that has been so good to me; let's keep this party going, okay (whoop, whoop!)!?!
Warmest regards,
P.S.  Thanks for all of the "friends" and "tags!"

Oh, by the way:

THIS IS NOT A DATING SERVICE SO, could you models PLEASE stop contacting me because you saw my foxy loxy "Jerrr-curl self portrait! I understand, I'm a total PIMP-JUICE layin' down the goon hand PLAYA and the crazy hair/perpetual stoned eyes look is almost irresistible but... Control yourselves ladies!!!  (I've always wanted to see this posted on a shooters page!!)  tongue

Model of the moment...
Coming soon!

Verified Credits (7)

Worked with T H Taylor? Share your experience and become verified!
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"Toddler is THE MAN. I can honestly say his curls are better than mine. He gave me a crap ton of super awesome images that I'll never stop looking at. I can't wait to do it again <3 Willa" Read less

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"Todd is super awesome and suppperrrrrrrr talented! Loved working with him." Read less

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"One of my favorite photographers to work with! He pushes me to be better than I am. He makes me laugh. He's much too humble ;). Great artist and person." Read less

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"Ruth Marie said... T.H. Taylor ...What can I say about Todd? Well, I think the better question is what can't I say about him. Todd is (without biased opinion) the most multi talented man and the best photographer in the Midwest...He can make you laugh and make you cry in a two seconds matter who you think you are you will crave T.H.Taylors wit and conversation almost as much as peanut butter and chocolate when you are on your period. In my biased opinion Todd is the most brilliant person I've ever met, the word genius comes to mind and I don't use that word lightly. Besides his photography he is a lyricologist (writes catchy songs in fifteen minuets flat that should be at the top of any charts), He has the voice of a God, He is a great actor, He is a die hard old school geek, Mr "fix any thing that's broke", The best Cook in the world next to his wonderful mamma Rose (and myself)Wink...He should be a cult leader cause he is THAT persuasive! But mostly he is the most genuine wonderful human being and I mean that in the loosest sense, as I am convinced no earthly man could posess so many incredible character qualities and still be caring, humble and the most intriguing person you'll probably ever meet. So in finale...Working with Todd and getting to know him is not only an experience but its the best thing u can do for your career." Read less

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"I took a class from this guy and thought I was going to learn a couple of things to help improve my photography. Instead, I learned I had to improve my attitude to get the shots I wanted. Next I have to learn the difference between boobs and breasts, and I think I will be able to rule the world... Thanks TH!" Read less

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"What can I say, he's not only talented, but he's pretty cute too! Seriously, I love working with TH, always fun and always great results :)" Read less

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Credit Notes

Shot for um-teen mags and catalogs... Some brilliant, some not so brilliant... trust me.
If you really need credits, email me and I'll humour you!

"My favourite tags of the moment:
"Your Portfolio IS an inspiration.
Your Profile is not. It detracts. Please re-read to correct spelling errors and, cashews are not peanuts."

Kashoes ain't peenutz?  Win did dat happin?

I like this one:
"If Albert Watson and Slash had a love child u wud be it!!!!"
Kate Preston ##1170285  (check her out... She's a total fox!)

My favourite quotes from models about yours truly:
"YOU try to stare at T H Taylor's lense and not want to jump his bones.... just try it.
~London Andrews #36768  (Need i say more???)

"I hate craving you.  You're an addictive MF"
~Ereka Marcelino #774135 (The foxy ones KNOW!)

Also:  I DON"T do the fave Dirty Dozen...  I know SO many more great artist than just 12 ( I need about a "fave hot hundred" to really make it work!).