
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Nov 19, 2023
Very Experienced
Paid Assignments Only
Shoot Nudes:
Apr 24, 2008
5' 4"
104 lbs
Skin Color:
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About Me

about me

My name is Ting,from Taiwan,base in Bruxelles
I have many years modelling experience in various styles, have been working in many different contries with professional photographers and serious amateurs.
You can contact me here or by mail  [email protected]
(I speak Chinese, English also French)
hear from you soon

If you want to work with me.Please allow me mention my conditions

I am not interested in TFP/TFCD
I am not interested in porn ( adult work).
I am not interested in posing nude with other male models neither photographer himself.
I dont pose for the photographers who cant provide his/her own works or websites or any models recommendation.

I do not have problems to travel to your location, if the travel expenses are covered.

model page / photos

a little interview about me ( In french)

Verified Credits (5)

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"Tingting is a great model. She is not only beautiful and very expressive. Being a very talented artist herself, she contributes own ideas. Working with her was inspiring and fun." Read less

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"Working with Ting is always a pleasure! She is a real pro, artist minded, intuitive, helpful and creative! Ting really rocks!" Read less

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"One of the best models I have worked with. She is professional and all you have to do is hit the shutter." Read less

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"Thank you so much for many close collaborations!! Fantastic model & outstanding artist!! Love your drawings so much!!" Read less

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Credit Notes

I am sincerely grateful that I am such a lucky person. Be able to meet so many great artists.Thanks to all the people I've met or worked with.They gave me many different ways to see photography.

Johan Buelens (Bruxelles,Belgium )
thanks for this wonderful shoot.
you do so much more than posing - I'd rather call it performance art.

Pierre Le Gallo (Paris, France )
you are beautiful both in body and mind, and an exquisite, talented and inspired person.

Geoffrey Pereira (Singapore, Singapore)
Still the best nude model I have worked with. Its not about nudity, though. Its about expression and portraying emotions and the theme of the shoot. This is a fine example.

Robin de Goede (The Hague, Netherlands )
Recently I had both the pleasure and honour to work with Tingting, when i first saw her portfolio and projects i knew immediately i had to work with her.
Ting made a huge creative contribution to the shoot so this was really a beautiful collaboration, thank you Ting, cannot wait to work with you again!

Delmotte Patrice (Taipei,Taiwan)
Professionnalisme, beauté, audace, sensibilité, caractère, subtilité, impudeur, simplicité, franchise, humour, gaité, intelligence, attentive et créatrice… Autant de facettes qui font de toi un modèle exceptionnel ! Un rêve de travailler avec toi !

Professionalism, beauty, Audacity, sensitivity, nature, subtlety, shamelessness, simplicity, frankness, humor, happiness, intelligence and creativity…
Many facets that make you an exceptional model!
Working with you is a dream.

by Delmotte Patrice

Bérénice(Paris, France )
thanks you for all , it's uncommon to know a women like you ! you are very precious.

goneferal(London, England )
Ting, it was really lovely to meet you today. There's no doubt that you're special, a one-off ....... the cherry on the top

Alain Nad (Paris, France )
I would like to tell you my gratitude ti have work with me.
You're amazing, great, so expressive and beautiful and.. so sensual
and erotic.

From Erikisscool(Paris,France)
I had to write this message to say how your personality is pleasant and easygoing, and your qualities as a model unusual.
A photoshoot of great quality and an exciting time shared together.
It took us perseverance to find a moment to set up everything, and I do not regret it!
Bravo for your talent and your simplicity, a cocktail as rare as precious ...

From François (Liege,Belgium)
Moi aussi j'ai beaucoup aimé travailler avec toi et je suis super content des photos. Tu y es pour beaucoup, tu as beau corps et, ce qui m'avais attiré chez toi, un très beau visage. Au-delà de ça, c'est un grand plaisir de faire de travailler avec toi: tu drôle, vive, gentille...

From Paris-est Drawing Group (Paris,France)
Ting, you really made an impression on me. I have not enjoyed drawing that much in such a long time. I broke five sticks of charcoal in one drawing trying to capture how beautiful you are.Every pose you did was so natural, and so sensual. Thanks again for a memorable session.

From Mark C Haskins (Apple Valley, Minnesota, US  )
Your beauty and talent is well supported by professionalism and determined collaborative effort. A very positive shooting and working experience that I value greatly!

From Zime Mille (Washington, District of Columbia, US )
Your beauty is top level. Your beauty not only will remain, but will probably increase, regardless the number of cumulating years. The essence of your beauty does not come only from your genes. It also comes from your heart, mind and spirit. All of them are beautiful and these three beauties irradiate together through your figure, and will continue to do so. I do hope to draw you when you will be 70 years old. You may want to stop modeling as a professional but, please, never stop modeling for your pleasure.

From Olof (Gothenburg,Sweden)
Beautiful professional model helpful with the over all styling and with a good eye for what the photos will be like in the end.

From Bill Graham (Paris,France)
Ting, you are not just my favorite model but also one of my favorite persons. You have an inner sparkle which makes me want to read all your postings on FB. And you have a delicious sense of humor. You're a serious person who does not take herself too seriously.

From Alex (Dublin,Ireland)
thank you for a wonderful shoot this week.
You are a great model, very talented artist and a free spirit.Your poses were magnificent.
It was a real pleasure to work with you and I wish you continued success for the future

From Bernard MINIER (Paris,France)
tu es un torrent d émotions, ton visage et ton corps son toujours justes dans leur expressivité, tu sais être à la fois animal et fragile,les sentiments imprègnent jusqu au moindre pli de ta chair,tu es un modèle rare. Erotique et pudique

From Marcel Sauder (Frauenfeld, Switzerland)
never boring, allways new face, new look... very variety.. very crative.. very professional.

From Ching Yuen Wah (Hongkong,China)
It was great to work with you and Maya !You are professional.
So much ideas brainstorm to me after the shoot !
Just want to let you know you did made up my life in photography .
Have a nice trip to Singapore !
Best Wishes

From Bernard MINIER (Paris,France)
I where very glad to work with you,you are a wonderfull woman, your engagement in the picture is exceptional and a photographer don't often meet a girl like you.
So your body is always just I tell you again it's queen's body.

From John Peri (Paris,France)
I have just worked with Yting. She is not only very beautiful, but a very graceful model that, in addition, is full of ideas of her own. In fact, she takes excellent pictures herself which explains her understanding of the art. I would strongly recommend her to anyone that wishes to work with her.
John Peri

I have worked with a lot of models over the years, and rarely have I met one which, has so much inspiration that she puts into her work, in addition to the striking beauty that flows out of these pages. She is an artist in heart and in mind

From Emanuel Van Holsten (Italy)
Such incredible talented model and more and more
it was a great pleasure to work with you and will be again very soon!

From Glaf(Canne,France)
Merci pour ton professionnalisme et ta ponctualité tu es un modele de reves que beaucoup de photographe aimeraient avoir dans leur viseur j ai fait partie de ceux qui ont eu ce plaisir et je ne demande qu'une chose ...........vite recommençons , au plaisir de te revoir ma douce et gentille ting

From Marco D'santacroce(Paris,France)
I've recently had the chance to work with Ting during her stay in Paris. And I must say this was a very good experience ! Ting is really a great great model and a real pleasure to work with: she's enthousiastic and witty, she loves posing and does it very well, she don't refuse jokes and having a good laugh, she's very photogenic and she knows what art and photography are, being a photographer herself. I actually can't wait to have another shooting with her !

From Exposure75 (Paris,France)
Un modèle atypique d'un professionnalisme rare. Merci pour cette séance très agréable et riche en images.

From Jean-Jacques (Bruxelles,Belgium)
It is a real pleasure to make shooting together, you are a super model, very pro, many ideas, and very likeable.
See very soon for new shooting's together.

From Frederic Fontenoy (Paris,France)
I am a lucky man, to work with you...Thank's so much!!!

From RoMie ( Singapore)
It's my great pleasure to work with you... you're really professional and awesome model...really love how you emote yourself during the shoot... keep it up and all the best always!

FromAntoine Tyce( France,Paris)
Bonsoir Ting,
Encore bravo pour ta prestation de ce matin, tu es vraiment un super modèle !

From thedarkroom ( France,Paris)
Merci encore pour cette superbe séance, un vrai modèle qui d'un rayon de lumière en fait une œuvre d'art....Merci pour ton accueil et ta sympathie.Je recommande a tous les photographes de poser leurs objectifs sur une telle personnalité.
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